In this post, you will find the motivation to declutter. Imagine a clutter-free home and a successful decluttering session to the finish line even when you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed and under-motivated. Yes, you can have that after reading this post.
I am in a hard season of life.
Queue morning sickness with my fourth pregnancy and three kids under three. Yes, I know. I signed myself up for all of this willingly. I am most definitely in survival mode and trying to keep the wheels on the bus (ahem overwhelm). The only thing I am focused on during the day is getting through it with everyone fed and the house somewhat manageable.
As much as I do not like to admit my struggles, they are real and they are normal for any mom who is going through this or something similar.
The bigger projects and the minimalist lifestyle goals have gotten placed on a shelf and are going to be the last priority until the sickness relieves me.
Taking one small step to decluttering unnecessary stuff is all the momentum I need to stay somewhat sane during this period in life though.
I host a podcast called The Simple Life Project Podcast and so much of my joy comes from getting other women to feel motivated to declutter their spaces, free time up in their busy days for things that matter and save so much money in the process of it all. It is possible my friend.
Let’s talk about motivation for a second. What holds you back from being motivated? For me, it is simply feeling like there is too much stuff to tackle and less time to tackle it that makes sense for me currently. Having a clean home has always been important to me but this is not a small task when you have three toddlers!
I know what keeps me unmotivated. Find out why you are unmotivated and stare it in the face.
I do not have the finances to hire a professional organizer, nor do I like that term. Organization is a term for having too much stuff when all you need is to declutter and simplify your possessions.
So to be clear, this post isn’t about having a Pinterest-worthy pantry, closet, or playroom. It is about finding the motivation to start your decluttering journey and feel that sense of accomplishment!
Tip #1
The first step in getting the motivation to declutter is to get visual.
It should not take a large amount of time. Walk around your entire house and take a mental note on the places that stress you out and need to get cleared out. Maybe write it down if you have a little extra energy.
Tip #2
Have a box.
Even when I am at my sickest I can throw a few odds and ends into a cardboard box I keep in my closet. It is easy to get the small knick-knacks out of the way with little to no effort.
Tip #3
Set your starting point.
Me as I type I know I am going to tackle my kid’s shoes. It may seem like a small area to “tackle” but I need to declutter these shoes. It doesn’t take much energy for me and is a simple place to start the decluttering process. Who knows it could snowball if I start feeling better.
The point here is to get visual and have areas in your mind that you want to tackle. Then take bite-size pieces (like kids’ shoes) and start making small dents.
The only way to get things done when you feel completely overwhelmed is just to take ONE step. You do not need to conquer the world here.
Tip #1 | Similar to my above tip, go through your entire home and get a visual of what needs to be done.
There is nothing worse than flying blind into a job and having no real plan on how to execute. You got this, mama. Even if you are overwhelmed. Take a walk around your home. Don’t touch anything yet.
Tip #2 | Clear your kitchen counters.
Yes, this will spark motivation for you. Clear those completely off and immediately feel the stress melt away. When you have clear horizontal spaces in your home it will push the clutter into other places that are less convenient to upkeep and more convenient to just get rid of and declutter.
Tip #3 | Get the ball rolling.
Just get out a box and throw random items in there (not sentimental items) at first. Random piles of things in a box sent to a donation center are just the medicine I need for the ultimate motivation. This doesn’t require big goals or time commitments. It is a good idea to just get the process started to create momentum.
Tip #4 | Do a load of laundry.
I don’t know why, but every time I throw a load of laundry in it always piggybacks to getting other small things done. Sweep the floors, wipe the countertops. Real-life tasks. A simple cleaning routine does a lot for the decluttering process.
Tip #5 | Forget Marie Kondo.
I feel bad saying this one but I do feel it’s true. The time it takes to thank each item and then precariously fold each pair of underwear into the perfect tent shape just isn’t happening in my house. I will toss out items by the handfuls without thanking them. I do not even remember what they are now. Clutter be gone!
I do love her new show on Netflix though! It makes me happy.
Tip #6 | Do not buy new stuff to replace the old stuff.
This will not motivate you to declutter. It will cause you to lose money and gain more “things” which eventually will cause you stress and overwhelm. Declutter and save your money.
Tip #7 | Listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos.
I love seeing and hearing how other people get their decluttering sessions done. I also love seeing simple living in action. I like to learn from other people and see/hear things through a different scope. Check out my channel for cooking and simple living inspiration.
Tip #8 | Go to a spa.
Spas are clear of clutter. They are very calming and peaceful. I know my home will never be a spa but keeping those horizontal spaces clear like a spa will keep your home clutter-free and your motivation in the right direction.
Tip #9 | Go out and exercise.
When I have been feeling sick and all I can do is lay on the couch nothing gets done. My house is messy, my motivation is gone, and literally, nothing gets done. I feel horrible. When I get out and get moving (even on the worst days) I notice my motivation and productivity are so much better. Small things get done which snowball into larger things.
Tip #10 | Keep your favorite things.
Just because you are decluttering doesn’t mean you need to get rid of everything (aka Swedish death cleaning each room). Even the things that make you most happy. Be honest with yourself during this time. What is just holding you back the most? Get rid of it. Keep the things that mean the most but know your boundaries. I am not referencing sparking joy here.
Try one or all ten of these things to try and get the ball rolling to get the motivation to declutter your crap and free up your home life and tidy up your home. I know if I can do it in my dire and pitiful state you can too. A lot of people make excuses as to why they can’t do it. Find one reason why you can today and DO THAT.
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