Money! It’s what is in the conversation pipeline today. How do we simplify our finances? Listen in for some great tips!
Tabitha Rexford is a follower of Jesus Christ, the wife of Joshua, and mother of 5 1/2 year old Japheth and 3 year old Avonlea. As a financial coach she strives to inspire, guide and motivate people to move from where they are in their finances to where they want to be!
Instagram: @minimalistmoneymentor
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TIPS Mentioned
Every Dollar App
RETIREMENT ACCOUNT: Tax Advantage Retirement Account with Good Gross Stock Mutual Funds
Ramsey Solutions: Investment Endorsed Local Providers
Mutual Funds: Investing a little bit in different businesses (marble analogy) if one has a bad year it’s not a big deal because you have investments in other businesses.
30 Day Minimalism Game:
Upcoming Workshops
Busting Debt on March 4th
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